Single-phase Prepayment Meter YX-DDSY1277-STS & YX-DTSY1277-STS
Main Functions: YX-DDSY1277-STS is an active energy-metering instrument, using digital media as the data exchange medium. Client will load the pre-purchased credit, with settlement in terms of kWh. This meter is equipped with a digital key pad interface, which is used for active energy metering & prepayment controlling. Besides the meter, it also has infrared communication and other auxiliaries.
Single-phase Prepayment Meter YX-DDSY1277-STS & YX-DTSY1277-STS

Technical Parameter

Item Technical Parameter
Normative References IEC62052-11/ IEC62053-21/ IEC62055-31/ IEC62055-41/ IEC62055-51
Connection Type Single Phase Three Phase
Class Active: 1.0 Active: 1.0, Reactive: 2.0
Rated Voltage (Un) 220/ 230/ 240V 3×220/ 230/ 240V
Frequency 50/ 60Hz
Rated Current (lb) 5A 5A/ 10A
Max Current (lmax) 60A 80A
Frequent current specification 5(60)A 5(60)A/ 10(80)A
Life Cycle >10 Years
Ambient temperature -25℃~+60℃
Size/ Weight (Integrated type) 233mm×130mm×59.4mm/0.8kg /
Size/ Weight (Split type) MCU: 150mm×100mm×48mm/0.5kg MCU:
CIU: 150mm×110mm×38mm/0.3kg CIU:

Main Functions

◆ Measuring energy
YX-DDSY1277-STS single-phase prepayment meter can measure forward and reverse active energy, and reverse active energy can be accumulated to the total consumption, measure voltage and current, calculate total energy consumption, measure last 12th months consumption, calculate the remaining credit, measure instantaneous output energy, etc.
◆ Pre-payment function   
YX-DDSY1277-STS single-phase prepayment meter can choose pre-payment mode, when the meter chooses pre-payment mode, this means the client needs to purchase the energy before consumption. The client need provide personal electricity account information and purchase a token of 20 numbers, then input the token to the meter, and generate relevant credit. The credit will decrease while client uses electricity. When the remaining credit is low, the meter will remind the client. When the remaining credit is zero, the meter will disconnect the power supply through controlling relay switch.

Main application

YX-DDSY1277-STS is an active energy-metering instrument, using digital media as the data exchange medium. Client will load the pre-purchased credit, with settlement in terms of kWh. This meter is equipped with a digital key pad interface, which is used for active energy metering & prepayment controlling. Besides the meter, it also has infrared communication and other auxiliaries.

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